Tess and David Finish Co-Ops

Tess and David successfully completed their Co-Ops! They both did 6-month Co-Ops beginning in the Summer. Tess did hers in the neuromuscular and movement disorders group at Biogen and David did his in R&D at Momenta Pharmaceuticals. Great job!

ABNEL Welcomes New PhD Students Kyla and Kirstie

ABNEL welcomes Kyla Nichols and Kirstie Belanger as new PhD students.  Kyla comes from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (B.S. Biomedical Engineering) and Kirstie is joining on rotation from the University of Maine (B.S. Biomedical Engineering).

Caroline wins PEAK Award!

Caroline Ghio has been awarded an inaugural Northeastern PEAK award to support her project titled: “Lactic Acidosis: A Cellular Response to Functional Iron Insufficiency” Congrats Caroline!!