Dr. Abigail Koppes,
Principal Investigator

Lab Social Activities


Holiday cookie decorating!

From left to right: Joe (sig. other), Dr. Ryan Koppes, Justin, Kyla, Bill, Katelyn, Selina, David (sig. other), Jess’s left arm, Brent; Picture by Dr. Abigail Koppes

The gang headed to the Koppes household mid-December for cookie decorating and an overdue housewarming party! After Brent was declared the cookie decorating winner (based on number of Slack emoji votes), the group headed to the basement where Bill, Joe, and Dr. Ryan Koppes played some music while everyone else crowded around Clyde the husky to give him some well-deserved pets.

Lab goes on a winter retreat in Vermont

From left to right: Bill, Kyla, Jessica, Katelyn, Selina, and Bryan.

Enjoying a fresh snowfall, the ABNEL and LNNR labs spent the weekend near White River Junction, Vermont. The members split the time playing ultimate spoons, playing in the snow, skiing at Killington, and racing in Mario Kart.

Some members of ABNEL take a photo with a dog!

From left to right: Jessica, Adam, Dr. Doggo, Kyla, and Kirstie. Dr. Doggo’s true name is unknown.

To remember the good times before we ended up on Zoom for awhile, here’s a photo of some ABNEL people with a dog! Dr. Doggo (self-named) was there for a Northeastern graduate student event just soaking in the attention.

LAB-sgiving Party!

From left to right: Jon (LNNR Lab), Kirstie, Clara (sig. other), Jessica, Jacob (sig. other), Bill (LNNR lab), Caroline, Kyla, Katelyn (LNNR lab), and Tess. Not pictured is Adam who had taken advantage of the commotion to grab seconds!

Everyone stuffed into Abby’s apartment and stuffed themselves with food for Labsgiving. While Caroline’s pumpkin pie didn’t quite make the last 100 steps safely into Abby’s apartment (it did make it onto the ground!), the food was great.

Rock Climbing!

From left to right: Tess, Jessica, Dr. Ryan (Koppes), Dr. Abigail Koppes, Jon, Adam, and Bill.

After the camping trip to New Hampshire was cancelled due to poor weather, the lab went indoors to go rock climbing! Everyone managed to make it down safely, but with some sore forearms the next day.

Baseball game at Fenway Park! (Sunburn included)

From left to right: Dr. Abby Koppes, Dr. Ryan Koppes, Adam, Jon (LNNR lab), Bill (LNNR lab), Jessica, David, and Tess.

Jessica’s White Sox lost to the Red Sox (woo!) The White Sox were up at first and looked to be winning it before the Red Sox came back and won. As said by one White Sox fan in the stands near us: “[The White Sox] always find a way to disappoint me”.


Dr. Ryan Koppes Presents at FluidicMEMS Meetup

Dr. Ryan Allen Koppes presented his lab's work at the FluidicMEMS Meetup this past Thursday. This event (held in the Samberg Center at MIT) was organized by FluidicMEMS, a dynamic community focused on bringing together individuals with a passion for microfluidics and...

Dr. Kyla Nichols Earns her PhD

Dr. Kyla Nichols Earns her PhD

Congratulations to Dr. Kyla Nichols for successfully defending her thesis. Kyla joined ABNEL back in the Fall of 2019, and she began her lab work just as the pandemic hit. However, despite this set back, she fully utilized her time in lab, investigating both the...

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