Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments regarding the research in the ABNEL lab, contact us! We would love to hear any feedback or questions you may have.
Email Dr. Abby Koppes at:
We are always looking for talented researchers to join our team. Any interested graduate, postdoctoral, or undergraduate researchers should email Dr. Koppes directly.
We encourage you to apply to the Northeastern University Chemical Engineering Department!
Dr. Koppes Wins R21 Trailblazer Award!
Congratulations to Dr. Abby Koppes and Dr. Ryan Koppes for winning an NIH Trailblazer Research Grant for early career PIs for their project developing a body-chip for a humanized gut-enteric axis (hGEA). More information can be found here!
BMES 2017!
Six members of ABNEL presented at the annual Biomedical Engineering Society conference in Phoenix, Arizona! Congrats to Daniel Ventre, Sanjin Hosic, Tess Torregrosa, David Diaz, Minhal Ahmed, and Marissa Puzan for their successful presentations. Check out some photos of the group at BMES and their trip to the Grand Canyon here!