Erika Wheeler

Investigation and Characterization of Sex-Based differences in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Irritable Bowel Disease are both medical conditions of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. IBS alone affects 60 to 70 million people in the United States and women are twice as likely to be diagnosed than men. Erika’s work focuses on investigating and characterizing sex-based differences in IBS and IBD patients.
Erika joined ABNEL as a bioengineering BS/MS student in January 2021. She began her master thesis in ABNEL in Fall 2021. Prior to this, she co-oped at Sanofi and Cygnal Therapeutics in their oncology department investigating and validating novel oncology targets.

Katelyn Neuman Defends her Thesis
Today on December 1st at approximately 4PM, LNNR lab member, Katelyn Neuman, successfully defended her thesis "Engineering New Strategies for Peripheral Nerve Repair: Investigating Materials, Biophysical Cues, and Cellular Compositions for Next Generation Clinical...

Kat and Kyla Succeed at Research Showcase
Congratulations to both Kat and Kyla for their performance at today's Research Showcase! The Research Showcase had members from every level of the Chemical Engineering Department (undergraduate to faculty) participating in poster presentations. After the poster...