Dr. Abigail Koppes-
Principal Investigator

Lab News and Updates

BMES 2016

Four members of the ABNEL lab presented at BMES 2016 this year! Click here to see the gallery of Emily, Yang, David, and Marissa!

Emily Ashbolt Wins Travel Grant to BMES

Congratulations to Emily Ashbolt for winning a travel grant to attend BMES from the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships at Northeastern for her work in collaboration with Marissa Puzan and Dan Ventre on Ultrasonic Neural Stimulation!

Dr. Koppes Wins NIH Grant

Dr. Koppes, in a combined effort with Dr. Rebecca Carrier of Northeastern and Dr. Linda Griffith of MIT, received a $5M NIH Bioengineering Research Partnership Grant for a submission called, “GuMI: New In Vitro Platforms to Parse the Human Gut...

Four Students Presenting at BMES

David Diaz, Marissa Puzan, Dan Ventre, and undergraduate Emily Ashbolt will be presenting their work at the BMES annual conference in Minneapolis in October! Congratulations guys!  

David Successfully defends his Thesis!!

David Diaz successfully defended his these titled: A study of primary sensory neurons and Schwann cells sensitivity to visible light irradiation in vitro, and feasibility of a light inducible system in Schwann cells for neurite outgrowth enhancement in vitro. Congrats David!!

Dr. Koppes receives the 2020 Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award

Dr. Koppes was named the 2020 Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award recipient. “[The award] is offered each year to stimulate research careers in biomedical engineering. The recipient will present the 20-minute Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Lecture and publish the text of the lecture in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering.” Congrats Dr. Koppes!!! Award Notification: https://www.bmes.org/blog_home.asp?Display=324 […]