Welcome to ABNEL!
Research in the Advanced Biosystems for NeuroEngineering Laboratory (ABNEL) focuses on neural engineering and the interface between neurons and surrounding tissues. Specifically, ABNEL develops novel and transformative devices, biomaterials, and biophysical-based therapies. Current work centers on the gut, heart, and central/peripheral nervous systems.
Please feel free to visit our sister lab Laboratory for Neuromodulation and Neuromuscular Repair (LNNR).
Abby publishes commentary calling to address racial disparities in research funding
Abby was a signatory on a recent commentary published in Cell calling for increased action to address present racial disparities in scientific funding. More details can be found in a news release and the commentary itself. #fundblackscientists
Jessica received a conference abstract award
Jessica received the Tissue Engineering SIG Student Abstract Award for her submission to the 2020 World Biomaterials Congress. Congrats Jessica!