Dr. Abigail Koppes-
Principal Investigator

Welcome to ABNEL!

Research in the Advanced Biosystems for NeuroEngineering Laboratory (ABNEL) focuses on neural engineering and the interface between neurons and surrounding tissues. Specifically, ABNEL develops novel and transformative devices, biomaterials, and biophysical-based therapies. Current work centers on the gut, heart, and central/peripheral nervous systems.

Please feel free to visit our sister lab Laboratory for Neuromodulation and Neuromuscular Repair (LNNR).

Samson and Tina Present in Research Showcase!

Samson Cantor and Tina Tailor presented their summer research on thermal bonding of microfluidic chips. They worked in the lab as part of the Young Scholars Program during their break before the start of their senior year in High School. They were advised by Adam Bindas. Congrats on the great work!  

Minhal Presents a TEDx

Minhal presented a talk digging into some of the exciting new research into the gut microbiome. Details on the talk below: How does our gut speak to us? This talk explores the fascinating new evidence linking the bacteria in our gut to various unexpected aspects of our health, including psychological disorders like anxiety and depression. […]