AIP publishes SciLight commentary on recent ABNEL collaboration review
AIP published a commentary on a recent review paper led by Max A. Winkelman and Prof. Guohao Dai in collaboration with ABNEL and LNNR. More information can be found in the link below:
Original Publication:
Dr. Koppes receives the 2020 Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award
Dr. Koppes was named the 2020 Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Award recipient. “[The award] is offered each year to stimulate research careers in biomedical engineering. The recipient will present the 20-minute Rita Schaffer Young Investigator Lecture and publish the text of the lecture in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering.” Congrats Dr. Koppes!!! Award Notification: […]
Tess publishes an essay in Science
Tess published an essay in Science as part of their Working Life series which details her journey towards her Co-Op experience at Biogen. Congrats Tess!