AIP publishes SciLight commentary on recent ABNEL collaboration review
AIP published a commentary on a recent review paper led by Max A. Winkelman and Prof. Guohao Dai in collaboration with ABNEL and LNNR. More information can be found in the link below:
Original Publication:
Caroline wins PEAK Award!
Caroline Ghio has been awarded an inaugural Northeastern PEAK award to support her project titled: “Lactic Acidosis: A Cellular Response to Functional Iron Insufficiency” Congrats Caroline!!
Samson and Tina Present in Research Showcase!
Samson Cantor and Tina Tailor presented their summer research on thermal bonding of microfluidic chips. They worked in the lab as part of the Young Scholars Program during their break before the start of their senior year in High School. They were advised by Adam Bindas. Congrats on the great work!