Dr. Abigail Koppes-
Principal Investigator

AIP publishes SciLight commentary on recent ABNEL collaboration review

AIP published a commentary on a recent review paper led by Max A. Winkelman and Prof. Guohao Dai in collaboration with ABNEL and LNNR. More information can be found in the link below:


Original Publication:


BMES 2016

Four members of the ABNEL lab presented at BMES 2016 this year! Click here to see the gallery of Emily, Yang, David, and Marissa!

Emily Ashbolt Wins Travel Grant to BMES

Congratulations to Emily Ashbolt for winning a travel grant to attend BMES from the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships at Northeastern for her work in collaboration with Marissa Puzan and Dan Ventre on Ultrasonic Neural Stimulation!