Dr. Koppes receives a $500K NSF CAREER Award
Dr. Koppes was awarded a $500K NSF CAREER Award titled Defining the regulators of enteric plasticity in engineered microfluidic environments”. A news article detailing the award can be found at the link below.
Tess and David Finish Co-Ops
Tess and David successfully completed their Co-Ops! They both did 6-month Co-Ops beginning in the Summer. Tess did hers in the neuromuscular and movement disorders group at Biogen and David did his in R&D at Momenta Pharmaceuticals. Great job!
Abby Featured in Northeastern University Feature Article
Abby is featured in a News@Northeastern article titled, “If cells could talk … actually, they do. But what are they saying?” Details included below: Abigail Koppes, assistant professor of chemical engineering, is isolating cell groups on tiny plastic chips, enabling her team to observe the specific roles of cells that have gotten lost in the noise […]