Dr. Abigail Koppes,
Principal Investigator

Dr. Koppes receives a $500K NSF CAREER Award

Dr. Koppes was awarded a $500K NSF CAREER Award titled Defining the regulators of enteric plasticity in engineered microfluidic environments”. A news article detailing the award can be found at the link below.

Understanding How the Nervous System Regulates Gut Inflammation

Jessica Woolston Joins the Fray!

Jessica Woolston Joins the Fray!

Scientist in the making and dog mother of two, Jessica Woolston joined ABNEL in the Fall semester of 2023. While living in Europe, Jess reached out to Dr. Abigail Koppes after reading her work. Showing both an interest in the gut-microbiome and the initiative to...

Katelyn Neuman Defends her Thesis

Katelyn Neuman Defends her Thesis

Today on December 1st at approximately 4PM, LNNR lab member, Katelyn Neuman, successfully defended her thesis "Engineering New Strategies for Peripheral Nerve Repair: Investigating Materials, Biophysical Cues, and Cellular Compositions for Next Generation Clinical...