Dr. Abigail Koppes,
Principal Investigator

Katelyn Neuman Defends her Thesis

Today on December 1st at approximately 4PM, LNNR lab member, Katelyn Neuman, successfully defended her thesis “Engineering New Strategies for Peripheral Nerve Repair: Investigating Materials, Biophysical Cues, and Cellular Compositions for Next Generation Clinical Applications”, earning her the title of doctor. Katelyn’s work has not only led to multiple publications (4 pending release) but also established new avenues for peripheral nerve regeneration. She has truly paved the way for the next generation of nerve repair strategies.

Beyond her research, Dr. Neuman has always been an involved member in the Koppes labs and Northeastern community. In the lab, she was a mentor to both undergraduates and incoming graduate students, and in the university, she was an active member of Graduate Women in Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Council.

Despite leaving our labs soon, Katelyn has left enough of a mark on the university that her presence will be felt for years to come.


Bryan Schellberg Successfully Proposes

Bryan Schellberg Successfully Proposes

Bryan Schellberg, graduate student of both Drs. Abigail and Ryan Koppes, successfully defended his research proposal this past May. This defense earned him the title of "PhD Candidate"! We all look forward to watching Bryan's work unfold as he fulfills his proposed...

Katelyn Neuman’s Article Accepted for Publication

Katelyn Neuman’s Article Accepted for Publication

Katelyn Neuman, current graduate student of Dr. Ryan Koppes, had her article titled "En route to next-generation nerve repair: static passive magnetostimulation modulates neurite outgrowth" accepted for publication in the Journal of Neural Engineering. Her article...