Undergraduate Researchers Win Big with PEAK Awards
The ABNEL lab could not be prouder of our outstanding group of undergraduate researchers! We have three PEAK award winners: Christina Aniolek (top left) won the Base Camp award, Iris Chang (bottom left) won the Ascent award, and Stephen Landry (right) also won the Ascent award. These PEAK awards were all bestowed in response to each of their research proposals.
Christina and Stephen work under the guidance of PhD candidate, Bryan Schellberg, and Iris operates alongside PhD student, Brent Buchinger. With such excellent students and mentors, these teams are sure to make new discoveries!
Lab goes on a winter retreat in Vermont
Enjoying a fresh snowfall, the ABNEL and LNNR labs spent the weekend near White River Junction, Vermont. The members split the time playing ultimate spoons, playing in the snow, skiing at Killington, and racing in Mario Kart.
Dr. Koppes receives a $500K NSF CAREER Award
Dr. Koppes was awarded a $500K NSF CAREER Award titled Defining the regulators of enteric plasticity in engineered microfluidic environments". A news article detailing the award can be found at the link below....