Dr. Koppes Invited to Give Keynote at 7th TERMIS World Congress
The Principal Investigator of ABNEL, Dr. Abigail Koppes, will be presenting a keynote during this year’s TERMIS World Congress. TERMIS is the “Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society”. As the name suggests, researchers from around the globe will be attending the triennial World Congress happening this year in Seattle, WA on June 25-28. This event presents a great opportunity for all scientists to collaborate and gain new insights into recent medical advances.
Our group wishes Abby safe travels. If you see her wandering around Seattle, make sure you stop and say “hello”!
AIP publishes SciLight commentary on recent ABNEL collaboration review
AIP published a commentary on a recent review paper led by Max A. Winkelman and Prof. Guohao Dai in collaboration with ABNEL and LNNR. More information can be found in the link below: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/10.0003794 Original Publication:...
Abby publishes commentary calling to address racial disparities in research funding
Abby was a signatory on a recent commentary published in Cell calling for increased action to address present racial disparities in scientific funding. More details can be found in a news release and the commentary itself. #fundblackscientists