Katelyn Neuman's Article Accepted for Publication

Katelyn Neuman, current graduate student of Dr. Ryan Koppes, had her article titled “En route to next-generation nerve repair: static passive magnetostimulation modulates neurite outgrowth” accepted for publication in the Journal of Neural Engineering. Her article reveals the effects of magnetic fields on neurite outgrowth. These discoveries may just lead to improved therapeutics for nerve-damaged patients!

ABNEL awarded patent for laser cut and assemble system
ABNEL was awarded a patent titled: Fluidic Device and Method of Assembling SAME. https://patents.justia.com/patent/20190083979

Best wishes to Francesco!
Francesco Fontana joined the lab as a visiting scholar over the winter from Italy and conducted experiments in magnetism on cells. He will hopefully defend his thesis in the coming months. Good luck Francesco!